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My Motto

"Everything happens for a reason."



I'm a creative that has a passion for UX Design, Writing and Communications. I'm a bit of a triple threat, especially when you consider my background. 

Although my career path isn't as traditional as most UX Designers, it really gives you an insight on who I am. I'm well versed, always willing to take on a challenge and really have a passion for all things creative. So much so, that creativity has been immersed within every position I've had.

When I'm not busy visualizing how to make something look better, I'm usually thinking of how to get my hands on poisson avec attiéké - one of the delicious delicacies from my home country. I'll have to tell you more on what that is when we connect.

I've tackled roles that have dove into the marketing, design, change management, digital and project management world. Next up will be the one we collaborate on. Let's connect soon.


- Your future UX Designer,



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